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BillDesk is India’s leading and most trusted Electronic Payments Service Provider. A product and service of over 10 years of market leadership, BillDesk provides a single versatile, scalable platform for enterprise wide electronic payments and collections and related reconciliation operations, across multiple lines of business.

The company offers (a) universal electronic bill presentment and payment services, which allows users to receive, review, pay and organize bills online; and (b) payment gateway solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of specific industries and facilitate merchants and financial institutions offer the widest possible range of payment options, for their customers to make online payments, securely and efficiently. Today, BillDesk delivers and manages specialized payments and remittance solutions across various vertical markets such as banking, telecom, insurance, utilities, financial services, travel and e-commerce.

BillDesk services are available across a range of access channels viz. Internet Banking, ATM Banking, Mobile Banking, Card gateways, IVR, Electronic Clearing Services, Automated Clearing House  etc. and across a range of payment mechanisms and modes viz. Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Online Banking accounts, offline banking accounts, prepaid cards, mobile wallets, retail channels, recurring billing and card storage.  Its global-scale infrastructure ensures quick deployment, robust service delivery, central financial and management control and ensures that best-practice processes are enforced across the operation in compliance with respective organization needs and related regulatory requirements.

Founded in 2000, BillDesk has grown faster than the market, to be the most comprehensive provider in India of an integrated range of electronic payments and remittances solutions and transaction processing services. Today, BillDesk is the Trusted Partner of India’s largest institutions and powers online and mobile payments for thousands of the fastest growing and most reputable merchants in India.

BillDesk has won various accolades for its technology and services including being recognized, by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, consecutively for many years now, as one of the Fastest Growing Companies in Asia Pacific.